We strive to keep all our links updated and current. if you find a link that no longer works, please notify us so we can alter it.  Thanks.

Friends and Family Members

CastBoolitsOur Sister Site and partner in crime.   The forums on Cast boolits provide a lot of material for us and discussion of materials found here.
LascLos Angeles Silhouette club - Great Information on Casting and Shooting.
CBAThe Cast Bullet Association
CBGCast Bullets Group on Yahoo
OlBuffOld Buffalo Bullet Molds Chart
SGCStop Gun Control Now - run by Brett of Cast Boolits.
NRAThe National Rifle Association - If you are not a member, you should be.
RulesAirgun Station - Basic Airgun Safety Rules

Casting Equipment Manufacturers

LeeLee Precision Maker of aluminum molds, dies, presses and about everything else related to casting and Reloading.
LymanMolds, Furnaces, dies, presses.  Another full-line outfitter.
RCBSThe Cast Bullet Association
SAECOMolds and Sizers as well as Redding products
NEIAluminum Molds
NOESwedeNelson's custom Mold shop, available in Brass and Aluminum.  Also a current group buy Manufacturer
KALRed River Ricks Black Powder, Paper Patch, and BPCR Molds, as well as handles, case stretchers, and Swaged bullets for classic 40s.
Mountain MoldsCustom Made Molds in either Brass or Aluminum
OWBMOld West Bullet Molds - Custom Made Brass Molds.

Favorite Vendors

MSSMidSouth Shooters Supply - Full line reseller of reloading and casting.
GRAFGraf & Sons - Full line supplier of reloading and shooting tools
NSSNatchez - Full line supplier but wont sell to their home state of TN (bummer)
NMRHNumrich Arms - Gunparts Corp.  All kinds of parts for all kinds of guns.
WDNRS Wideners - full line reseller but now almost exclusively a mail-order outfit (bummer again)
DillonDillon Precision  - Presses and Dies
PVIPowder Valley - powder and primers
Pat'sPat's Reloading - Surplus powders and Brass
GIBrassJeff Bartlett's - surplus powder and bullets
HI-TECHSurplus powder, projectiles and brass

Powder Manufacturers / Load Data

AccurateAccurate Powders - Now part of Western
ADIAustrailian Defense - maker of many powders sold by Hodgdon in the US.  Commercially available as ADI elsewhere.
AlliantAlliant powders (Formerly Hercules)
IMRIMR Powders - formerly Dupont - now Hodgdon
HodgdonHodgdon powders - reseller of St. Marks, General Dynamics, and ADI powders
NormaNorma Powders
RamshotRamshot powders by Western powders
RexRex powders of Hungary  (Pistol powders)
VihtaVihtavuori powders (division of Lapua of Finland)
WinWinchester Powders - now sold by Hodgdon

Reloading / Shooting Forums

AccurateAccurate Reloading Forums
24HC24 Hour Campfire forums
TFLThe Firing Line
THRThe High Road
GBOGreybeard Outdoors
HANDHandloads forum
RLBThe Reloading Bench Forums
PrepdSocPrepared Society Emergency preparedness forum

  Politics - Government sites

LOCLibrary of Congress site- Constitution, Bill of rights, Amendments, etc.
SENATEThe United States Senate Website
HOUSEThe United States House of Representatives Website
TWHThe White House
ATFDepartment of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
SAFSecond Amendment foundation
GOAGun Owners of America Foundation

Firearm Manufacturers
New England Firearms
Beretta USA
Rossi USA
Taurus USA
Auto Ordnance
BushmasterDPMSHigh Standard
SpringfieldSteyrNavy Arms
Knight MuzzleloadersCabela's blackpowderDixie Gunworks
Thompson CenterMossbergSmith & Wesson
SakoWeatherbySig Sauer